Perfectly Soaked Fruits for Great Cake
So Christmas came and went and there was one thing missing from my usual Christmas prep. I made no great cakes. If you try really hard, I think you can still feel the shock and disappointment from my family and friends.
2016 was a big Christmas year for me, and I distributed a record number of Evah Bite sample boxes (39 to be exact) which depleted my fruit stash created five years ago and left me woefully unprepared for 2017. The whole year had passed by, countless grocery trips had been enjoyed, yet I had not purchased any dried fruit or prepared in any way for 2017 Christmas great cakes. I feel like an overly dressed nun is following me with a cow bell (GoT reference).
However, all was kind of not lost, and in my last trip before the Christmas rush, and a full display of dried fruit at the front of the store for the late preparers (like me this time around) I remembered to snag a few pounds.
Now everyone has a different balance of fruits for their recipe, which can be certainly a challenge when trying to write and guide others to make their own. So I think my suggestion is to leave it all up to your preferred tastes. Oh what ever do you mean Hadi? Well, I usually give away my cakes as gifts and I tend to make my fruit mix a little bit more balanced, but I personally love currants and for my special batch, I always tend to add a bit more of them :). Now I must caution you that the goal of this recipe so early in the year is to make sure that 2018 Christmas is great (I can’t help myself). However if you can’t wait that long, I caution that the fruit should have at least 45 days to “soak”.
Mix together the dried fruit.Ingredients
Add batch at a time to your food processor.
Mix together the rum and port wine
Once all of the fruit has been processed and placed in a container, pour the alcohol over the fruit and mix as you go.
Cover and store in the fridge.